The Blog
How to Know if Therapy Is the Right Decision for You
Unfortunately, in today’s world, there is still a relatively large stigma toward individuals receiving therapy and mental health treatment. For a lot of older generations, seeking the help of someone else to deal with personal problems can be viewed as weakness, and an inability to deal with your own issues. My goal in writing this is to help break some of those barriers that tend to keep individuals from seeking treatment, for fear that they are weak or might be scrutinized by those around them.
Born To Flourish: How Internal Family Systems Therapy Heals Trauma
If you’ve ever pondered, “Why, is this happening to me?” you may notice how different voices in your head start to speak up. One voice says, “It’s your fault.” Another blames your spouse, friend, or boss. Another tries to avoid the debate by suggesting ways to escape—”Watch Netflix. Get a drink. Stay late at work!” The voices don’t mean you’re crazy, it means, like everyone else, you’re made up of “parts” that each have needs, fears, and something they want you to know.
From One Concussion Recovery Patient to Another
Concussions are no joke. I’ve repeated that phrase countless times in the last couple of years. A traumatic brain injury can disrupt the body’s command center, the central nervous system. The once effortless pathway from one neurotransmitter to the next can be severed. Imagine this like a highway; cars are zooming down the road until one day, a big sinkhole appears. The road is then closed and detour signs are posted. The vehicles along this route will likely still make it to their destinations, only with more twists, turns, and time.
Break Through Barriers: Get the Support You Need from a Licensed Therapist in St. George
There are moments when life can be incredibly difficult and it can be hard to navigate them alone. When you’re struggling emotionally, it’s important to seek out professional help from a licensed therapist and counselor in St. George. Whether you are looking for...
Happily Ever After Starts Here: A Guide to Transforming Your Marriage with Marriage Therapy
Nowadays, marriage is considered more of a choice than a necessity, and couples’ expectations tend to be more ambitious and seek more fulfillment than ever before. With all these changes, it can be challenging, if not impossible, to know what couples’ lives should and...
Blurring the Lines: Navigating Co-Parenting Concerns in Blended Families with Couples Therapy
Navigating co-parenting concerns in blended families can be a difficult balancing act. It can feel like walking a tightrope between respecting the strengths and boundaries of each family while still creating a cooperative system that works for everyone. Understanding...